Aquarium Decoration

Aquarium Decoration

Aquascaping or aquatic landscaping is known as underwater gardening.

The process for generating a waterscape is very similar to that used by landscape designers for landscaping, gardening, or landscaping.

In both processes,
decorative techniques are used , aimed at organizing the different elements within our reach, such as stones , logs and plants, to create a landscape, in this case aquatic, that is not only pleasing to the eye, it has to be amazing, sustainable and livable.

What is expected from the final result is a type of aquarium, a different and original biotope, which has to respond to the needs of its inhabitants, but also has to integrate with the decoration of the home environment and at the same time stand out as if it were a painting, the focal point of that room.

Aquarium ornaments

Basic principles of aquarium landscaping

Much of the success of a good aquascaping project depends on the imagination of the aquarist, but not only does it take imagination, it also requires technique.

Without technique, we would neglect aspects as important as proportions, or within the aquarium, compatibilities between species.


One of the most important points, if not the most important, is in the proportion that exists between the different elements of the project.

The proportions will denote harmony between the elements, that each of the pieces, whether
stones, logs, plants , are in the right place, number and size.

This proportionality can be broken in search of
a focal point, an element that we want to be the point of attention, which can be in any part of the aquarium, it does not have to be in the center.

Another important aspect about the proportions are the numbers, the amount of elements used.

To achieve greater naturalness effect, we have to remember the odd numbers.
So we will place
solitary plants , or if we use groups that are 3 or 5, always odd numbers.

The same rule can be applied to any element, such as rocks or logs.

Simplicity and simplicity

One of the basic principles of elegance is simplicity.

The great interior decorators, landscapers and fans of aquascaping achieve their best results using few elements.

As we introduce more and more elements, the end result is a display of elements without any consistency.

Basically you
have to use and combine four elements: sand or gravel, stones, logs and plants.

An example of simplicity would be to use only one type of logs, only one type of stone, only one shade for the gravel or sand at the bottom, and very few varieties of plants, with
a palette of complementary colors.

This is a guide-recommendation, which does not have to be a rule to follow strictly.
Sometimes we can find surprising results, starting from ideas that in theory do not make much sense.

A neglected point, the lighting

Within the aquarium landscape design, newbies often don’t take lighting into account.

Not only is it necessary for the growth of plants, it will also affect how the final result will look.

Take into account
how much lighting the plants need , the type of lights you are going to use, and what is the final result you want to offer …

Substrate for the aquarium

You already know that in aquarium we can have two types of substrates , the inert ones and those that serve for the plants to grow.

If we are going to have vegetation that needs to be rooted,
a good substrate must be included among the essential elements, without neglecting the final effect and adding gravel or the necessary sand for the visual result of the project.

Make a dry preliminary project

Before launching into the design of an aquarium, you have to carry out a previous project.

Being clear about what we want to achieve will put us much closer to obtaining it, than if we buy a lot of elements and we intend that they later match inside the aquarium.

Having a previous project
will also prevent us from improvising, which usually generates very unattractive results.

The logical way to develop a project is to get to work with pencil and paper, but if we do not have the necessary imagination or are not very good at drawing, we can also do a dry project.

Basically it is about
placing all the elements with the aquarium empty or on a table , so that we can check the final effect.

Watch and learn

Fortunately, we live in the Internet age, we have thousands of aquascaping projects at our fingertips,

Marine aquascaping

decorators who have created projects to be admired by other aquarium lovers.

Analyze how they have done what techniques they have used and above all,
be patient.

If the results obtained are not what you were looking for,
do not despair, start over, delete the elements that you do not like, change, modify.

The aquarium is also constantly moving and growing, it is alive.

A plant may be growing more or less than expected, look for solutions. Would you change it?

Final advice, points that should not be neglected

Basically aquascaping is a gardening project, in which all kinds of decorative elements are included to create a surprising, pleasant and original aquatic “landscape”.

However, we must not forget that we are facing an aquarium, a glass urn full of living beings that need
very specific water quality conditions in order to survive.

The points that we must not neglect are:

  • Filters for the aquarium
  • CO2
  • Fertilizers, if necessary
  • Fish

The filters for the aquarium are essential, whether it is an aquarium only planted and that is not going to incorporate fish, or that in the end it does.

Much of the responsibility for water quality rests with the filters. Do not underestimate its importance within the aquarium.

Another important point, in an aquarium in which plants are probably the protagonists, is
the need to add CO2 or not.

You have to know to what extent it is necessary, to get a CO2 equipment or if an aerator is enough.

Composting is another point to consider.
Do you have to fertilize the plants? How often?

And finally the fish.

Although in
an aquarium in which plants can be the protagonists , and fish can be in the background, if we introduce them we cannot neglect their needs.

Are they compatible with plants and decoration?
Do they have the correct lighting … is it a lot or a little?

Now is your turn,
It is the moment that you start creating your aquascaping project.

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