Anubias Nana
- Scientific name: Anubias Barteri, variety Nana
- Common Name: Anubias Nana
- Temperature: Between 22ºC and 28ºC
- pH: Between 5.5 and 8.5
- gH: Between 6º and 12º
- Difficulty level: Easy to care
- Growth, height: It can reach 15 cms.
The Anubias Nana are aquatic plants of the Anubias family , which in turn are a species that is derived from the Barteri Anubias, being one of the smallest specimens.
They are very popular in the aquarium for their particular characteristics of growth, very slow (1 leaf can take a month to develop) and spread, which makes them magnificent plants for the foreground of the aquarium.
Nor should the fact be neglected that they are all-terrain, suitable for any hobbyist who is starting with their first aquarium and who still does not have much control over the quality of the water in the aquarium.
They grow perfectly completely submerged, althoughIt also admits that part of the plant is outside the aquarium, which makes it a desirable plant for an aquarium.
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- They are very small aquarium plants, which do not exceed 15 centimeters in height.
- They grow compact, you could say that they are bushy.
- They have a very grateful coloration that goes from light green to bright dark green, when the plants are adults. The underside of the leaves is lighter.
- Its leaves are leathery, oval and measure between 3 cm to 5 cm wide, and about 6 cm long.
- Its rhizome must be attached to a rock or a trunk, so that the plant begins to compact. It is advisable not to bury completely, to avoid rotting.
- It can flower, although it is not very frequent in the aquarium. If it did, its flower is creamy white, with a yellow stigma.
Distribution and habitat
The genus of Anubias is endemic to tropical Africa: Senegal, Angola, Zaire …
They grow on the banks of rivers, with their roots hooked to rocks and the remains of logs, under the shadows of trees.
They have a rhizome that extends laterally. When new leaves appear, this rhizome can be divided and we will get new plants.
As it is a plant that can live and flourish out of water, sexual reproduction would be possible, through the pollination of its flowers.
This form of reproduction is very complicated and is not worth trying, the division of the rhizome is faster and more effective.
It is not necessary to make extra contributions of fertilizer, they are able to survive perfectly with the nitrates that come from the excretions of the fish.
It seems that if it is fertilized regularly, and the lighting is greater, it can favor flowering, but in return the plants can be attacked by algae.
Nor is it necessary to make extra contributions of CO2 , although if it were to grow it would be much faster and more vigorous.
In their natural environment they live under the shade of trees, so they appreciate dim lighting. My recommendation is that you use LED screens , which you can regulate more easily.
It is not that they do not support intense lighting, in this case the growth of the plant will be greater, although at the cost of a greater amount of algae.
If we have fish in the aquarium designed to eliminate algae, it would not be a major problem.
Anubias Nana are very strong and resistant plants, with a very slow growth. We can expect one leaf to appear per month, under the right lighting conditions … it can grow more, if the lighting is strong.
They rarely have problems, although some may arise.
One of those that we can find is that the leaves turn yellow, which is called chlorosis.
If we observe that the leaves turn yellow, it is possible that we are going to reduce the lighting, although it may also be due to a lack of nutrients.
In a fish aquarium it does not have to happen, but in a planted aquarium that situation can occur , if there is not enough lighting and the nutrients are absorbed by larger plants.
Algae attack
Another situation that we can find is the attack by algae. When they are filamentous, the typical ones found in aquariums, they are easy to eliminate and if we have otocinclus fish , we will probably not even notice it.
There are some algae, such as green dot algae, that can attack them. These algae are not liked by algae eaters, and their appearance is due to strong exposure to light.
In these cases it is best to move the plants to a place with less lighting , or lower the light output of the aquarium.