Aquarium Plants


The genus Limnophila brings together 97 species of aquarium plants belonging to the Scrophulariaceae family.

Sometimes confused with the Myriphyllun, they are plants that multiply through cuttings, which are planted in shallow water and with good lighting.

They can grow without any problem out of the water, and inside the aquarium they prefer well filtered waters , with a maximum temperature of 25ºC.

Within the genus, they vary in shape, and there may be plants with an upright stem and other creeping plants, just as there are some that are appropriate for aquariums and others are not.

The plants that I will refer to below are the appropriate ones to be kept in a planted aquarium.

Limnophila heterophylla

The distribution of this plant is located in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, southern China and Japan.

They are very practical plants to place in the middle and back of the aquarium, due to their erect stem.

The aquatic leaves are pinnate, with opposite segments, the lower ones are subpinnate, bifurcated.

They can degenerate if the lighting is dim, it does not support excessive temperatures well.

The ideal temperature is between 22ºC and 28ºC, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.2. It can measure up to 50 centimeters high.

Limnophila sessiliflora

Its height and aquarium conditions are similar to Limnophila heterophylla. These plants appreciate that in the aquarium carbon dioxide is applied, and a good supply of fertilizer for aquarium plants.

It is ideal for Amazonian or tropical aquariums, it is known to be very resistant, which is why it is a very common plant in many aquariums.
See: Ambulia

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