
How to Cat Proof Your Fish Tank

One of the most common questions that cat and fish tank owners ask is how to cat-proof their tank. Cats are curious creatures and love to explore, which can often lead to them getting into places they’re not supposed to be, like your fish tank!

As funny as they sound, questions like «How do I keep my cat from eating my fish?» or “How can I stop my cat from drinking from my aquarium?” they are quite common. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to cat-proof your fish tank and prevent your feline friend from becoming a treat for your fish!

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Why do cats attack fish tanks?

Before we get into how to cat-proof your fish tank, it is important to understand why cats are attracted to fish tanks in the first place. Cats are natural predators, and their hunting instincts are often activated when they see fish swimming in a tank. In their minds, those fish are just swimming around, waiting to be eaten!

Also, cats are attracted to the movement of fish in a tank. The constant movement back and forth is something that draws their attention and draws their attention. And, let’s face it, cats are curious creatures. If they see something moving that they can’t understand, they’ll want to investigate further!

Finally, many cats are drawn to the appearance of the tank itself. Between the swaying aquarium plants, the bright colors of your pet fish, and the tantalizing lure of fish food, it’s only natural for cats to be curious about your fish tank. Aquariums should be a cat-free zone because a curious cat can wreak a lot of havoc on your beloved fish. So how do you cat-proof a fish tank?

How to Cat Proof Your Fish Tank

There are a few things you can do to make your fish tank less attractive to your cat and prevent them from getting into the water.

cover your fish tank

One of the best ways to cat-proof your fish tank is to cover it with an aquarium cover or lid. Not only will this discourage your cat from getting into the tank, but it will also help prevent him from tipping the tank over and spilling all the water (and fish!) on the floor.

If you have an aquarium stand, you can also place a piece of glass or acrylic on top of the stand to create a second barrier. Just make sure the lid or piece of glass is on well so your cat can’t push it off and get into the tank. The last thing you want is for your cat to fall into the tank and drown!

It is important to note that you should never use a screen cover to cat-proof your fish tank. Screen covers aren’t strong enough to contain a determined cat, and your feline friend can easily push (or shred) them. Also, if you use a hatch for feeding, you need to take extra precautions to make sure it doesn’t move when touched by a persistent cat. Keep your aquarium lid as secure as possible!

Use cat deterrents

Aside from a covered fish tank, there are some commercial products on the market that are designed to deter cats from approaching fish tanks. These products often make a loud noise or spray water when they detect movement, which will startle your cat and deter him from returning.

If commercial cat repellent sprays are too expensive an investment, you can also make your cat a deterrent by filling a small spray bottle with water and adding a few drops of lemon juice. When you see your cat near the fish tank, quickly spray it with the lemon water. The citrus scent will deter them from coming back, and the water mist will scare them enough that they’ll think twice before trying to get back into the tank.

Beyond that, you can also try using double-sided tape or aluminum foil around the edges of the fish tank. The sticky surface will deter your cat from walking on it, and the foil will make a loud noise if he tries to walk on it. This will help keep your cat away from the tank, even if she’s curious about what’s inside.

Consider buying a cat fountain

If your cat is attracted to the water in your fish tank, one of the best things you can do is get her her own water source. Cat water fountains are designed to provide your cat with a constant flow of clean water, quenching their thirst and keeping them away from their fish tank.

There are a wide variety of cat fountains on the market, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Some cat fountains are designed to be placed on the floor, while others can be mounted on the wall. Some fountains are even designed to look like fish tanks, which can be a good option if your cat is especially attracted to water.

Regardless of the type of fountain you choose, be sure to clean it regularly to prevent bacteria buildup. Most cat fountains come with a filter that needs to be replaced every few months, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Make sure your cat gets enough stimulation

In many cases, cats will try to get into fish tanks because they are bored. If your cat is left alone for long periods of time, he may start looking for ways to entertain himself, and your fish tank can be a tempting target. After all, it is full of water and fish usually swim inside it.

To keep your cat from getting bored, make sure she has plenty of toys to play with and a scratching post to match. You should also try to spend some time playing with your cat every day. If you can give them the attention they need, they will be less likely to look for ways to entertain themselves.

Besides, you can also try DIY enrichment toys to keep your cat busy. For example, you can try filling a balloon with water and then tying it to the edge of the fish tank. Your cat will enjoy trying to hit the balloon and will be less likely to try to catch the fish. Creativity is key to keeping your cat busy, so be sure to use your imagination.

Monitor your cat’s behavior

Even if you take all the necessary precautions, there is always a chance that your cat will find a way into the tank. If you notice that your cat spends more time than usual near the fish tank, be sure to keep a close eye on her. Some kitten breeds such as the British Shorthair are particularly curious, so it is important to be vigilant.

Prevent your cat from entering the tank in the first place by controlling his behavior and keeping him away from the tank when you’re not around. If you have to leave your cat alone for a long period of time, make sure you put her in a room where she can’t get to the fish habitat.

You should also keep an eye on your fish tank and make sure there are no cracks or holes that your cat can squeeze through. Inspect your fish tanks regularly and be sure to repair any damage as soon as possible. Being more observant will go a long way in protecting your fish from the distress caused by a curious cat.


Cat-proofing your fish tank is an important part of being a responsible pet owner. You can keep your cat safe and your fish tank in good condition by taking a few simple precautions. Be sure to monitor your cat’s behavior and take action if he begins to show interest in your display of swimming fish. With a little effort, you can ensure that your cat and fish live happily together.

We hope this article has been useful to you. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. And be sure to check out our other articles for more tips on keeping your fish safe and healthy. Thanks for reading and feel free to share this article with your friends and family!

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