
When and how to change the aquarium water?

Why is it so important to change the aquarium water?

Fish droppings in the water is one of the first reasons to change the aquarium water from time to time. On the other hand, sometimes they don’t always finish their food and it stays there dirtying the interior.

The exchange of gases and nutrients also means that the water in the tank must be replaced regularly, as a certain balance of elements within the tank is necessary to ensure the survival of the inhabitants.

So don’t wait for the algae to turn yellow or brown in your aquarium, or worse, for your fish to get sick, before taking action. If this is your first aquarium, you can visit our aquarium guide for beginners.

How often should the aquarium water be changed?

It’s like on Earth with humans. The more people a city has, the more waste it has. The same thing happens underwater.

If your aquarium only has one individual or at most a pair, they will be safe for weeks or even months. However, if your tank is overcrowded, you will need to change the tank water at least a third every two weeks.

If you like big fish like cichlids, you will have to do it more frequently, i.e. weekly and increase the amount of water to be replaced. But be careful, do not exceed half the volume.

Other circumstances require this type of intervention more frequently than normal, such as caring for sick animals. The state of the water in the aquarium cannot be seen with the naked eye, or in this case it is too late.

It is convenient to constantly evaluate the level of nitrates in the water with a suitable tool. Pet stores sell specially designed test kits for this purpose.

How should you change the aquarium water?

Do not change all the water in the aquarium, because if you change everything, it is as if you just installed it. You will have to wait days for the temperature to acclimate to room temperature and for the nitrate level to be at its optimum level.

This would also endanger your fish, due to the difference in temperature and elements present or absent in the new water compared to the old.

A handy tip for changing aquarium water, use a measuring jug or cup to make sure. Always start with a third of the water before gradually increasing the amount if necessary.

For the maintenance of your aquarium, get a bucket, an aquarium hose or siphon, a mop, a water conditioner, a bottle and a soft sponge.

Start by turning off the power to your aquarium lighting, pump, or aquarium filter to avoid electrical shock. Then vacuum up any debris from the bottom of the tank to ground level.

Proceed carefully and slowly. Run the hose or siphon through the entire length of the mini-pond while controlling the amount of water. Be careful, because sometimes you can get distracted and take out more than what is needed. Repeat the process, but this time on the surface to get rid of any stagnant debris.

Don’t throw away the water you’ve taken out of your aquarium right away. It will be used to rinse accessories such as the filter. Once you have cleaned the inside of the tank, remove the suds, cotton and clean them of all the dirt.

Don’t run them under the kitchen or shower faucet, as that water has chlorine in it and will kill the bacteria colony on your filter. But there if you can throw the water.

Reassemble the filter and gradually pour in the new water (from the tap). It should have been stored two hours earlier, in a bottle with the lid open in the same room as the aquarium to adjust to room temperature. When pouring it into the tank, disinfect it with the water conditioner.

It is best to let the water sit for hours before filling your mini-pond, then you don’t need a conditioner because the chlorine is supposed to evaporate during this time, but if you can’t let that long, feel free to use conditioner.

If you don’t do it in stages, the animals can catch a cold (yes, they do too, but you won’t hear them sneeze). For 1 liter for example, run 30 ml first, then 40 ml after half an hour and the last milliliters half an hour later.

Avoid taking some false steps

When changing the water in the aquarium it is not recommended to use a large pipe to drain the water from the aquarium, not only does it risk sucking in the fish, but also poor volume management. Therefore, use a small diameter, or a medium one if possible.

And when you fill the aquarium, give the water time to mix well, making sure to keep its inhabitants away while you carry out this operation.

Too much cleaning is also not good, because the aquarium does not only contain bad bacteria. Some of these bacteria promote the well-being of the occupants, as well as that of the plants that live there and the balance in the aquatic environment. Excessive cleaning of the filter and its components, or of the walls of the aquarium, tends to kill these bacteria and endanger the life of the animals.

When selecting the products that you are going to need in your aquarium, such as the water conditioner, you will have to choose from a wide selection on the market, so you must pay attention to certain details so as not to make a fatal mistake.

The Tetra brand is often seen in Internet comparisons with its Aquasafe and Goldfish Aquasafe products. JBL also offers us its Biotopol, which is rich in vitamin B. The Seachame Premium is suitable for those who want to save money or have large aquariums, as it is more concentrated than average.

We hope we have helped you to know how and when to change the aquarium water

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