
Curiosities about fish

Hello friend of the fish:

Today we are going to start a series of lighter, fun, entertaining articles… related to the world of aquariums, fish, aquatic nature… all that you like and has brought you here.

In this case we are going to start by diving into our All about fish section, where we see all the information related to our friend the fish.

In our attempt to facilitate the approach to the fine art of aquarium hobby, we cannot dedicate ourselves only to making technical articles. That ends up boring even the most enthusiastic.

This is why this category of more entertaining, fast reading and a little more “pop” articles was born. Although if what interests you is fish and aquarism, you can go directly to our article on cold water fish for aquariums.

We start this collection with a list of 21 curiosities about fish.

Surely you know more than one, but surely there is also more than one that you don’t know. Until you read it you won’t know

21 Curiosities about fish

  1. 1 Fish were the first bony skeleton vertebrates to appear on Earth.

    Unlike today’s fish, the earliest fish did not have scales, fins, or jaws. But they did have a dorsal fin.

  2. two Today, approximately 32,000 different types of fish are known worldwide.

    There are more types of fish than all other types of vertebrates combined.

  3. 3 Scientists have explored only 1% of the ocean depths.

    New species are being discovered all the time, and millions of new types of animals are thought to lie deep underground.

  4. 4 The largest fish in the world is the giant whale shark, which can reach almost 20 meters, or the length of two buses.

    It weighs more than 25 tons and eats mainly plankton. It has more than 4,000 teeth, although they are only 3 mm long.

  5. 5 Thin fins with a split tail signal a fish that moves quickly or covers great distances.

    Those that live among rocks and reefs near the bottom of the ocean have wide lateral fins and long tails.

  6. 6 The fish uses its eyes and the so-called lateral line to maintain its position in the school.

    That line of sensitive cells on both sides detects changes in water pressure generated by the movements of other beings.

  7. 7 Most fish have good eyesight and can see in color.

    Many have the best possible view for their habitat and can certainly see you looking at them in your aquarium.

  8. 8 Many fish can launch their jaws like a spring to catch their surprised prey.

    Since a fish’s jaw is not attached to its skull, many fish can «loose» their mouths to hunt down prey.

  9. 9 Most fish have taste buds spread throughout their bodies.

    Taste is quite developed in bony fish and they perceive it through sensory cells that are grouped in something similar to small rods located in different places on their body.

  10. 10 Some fish, such as herbivores, lack teeth in their jaws.

    Instead they have teeth in the shape of grinding mills in their throats, called pharyngeal teeth.

  11. eleven There are some fish that lack scales on their skin.

    Sharks, for example, have rough, sandpaper-like skin instead of scales.

  12. 12 The fastest fish is the sailfish.

    This fish with its particular large dorsal fin can swim as fast as a car traveling on the highway, up to 120 km/h.

  13. 13 Unlike bony fish, sharks and rays do not have swim bladders.

    They have to be swimming all the time, even when they are sleeping. Otherwise, they will sink to the bottom of the ocean.

  14. 14 The slowest fish is the sea horse. It is so slow that you can hardly perceive that it is moving.

    The slowest is the Dwarf Seahorse, which needs about an hour to move one and a half meters. It even looks like he’s just standing, not swimming.

  15. fifteen New scales do not appear as a fish grows, they increase in size.

    In this way, growth rings are formed on the scales and these rings reveal the age of a fish.

  16. 16 The most poisonous fish in the world is the stonefish.

    Their bite can cause shock, paralysis, and even death if left untreated within a few hours.

  17. 17 The oldest known fish was an Australian lungfish .

    In 2003, he was still alive and 65 years old.

  18. 18Some fish, such as the great white shark, can raise their body temperature.

    This makes them capable of hunting prey in cold waters.

  19. 19 the fish has its heaviest part (keel) at the top.

    When the paired fins stop working and keeping the fish balanced, it turns over because its heaviest part sinks. This is what happens when you die.

  20. twenty The smallest fish in the world is Paedocypris progenetica, which measures between 7 and 10 mm.

    There are very small fish, such as pygmy gobies, but the smallest fish is Paedocypris progenetica and it is from the island of Sumatra.

  21. twenty-one The fish would suffocate if they tried to chew.

    Chewing for our friend the fish is not possible, because it would interfere with the passage of water through the gills.

So far this list of curiosities about fish. If you want to know a little more about what the characteristics of fish are, you can follow the previous link to quench your thirst for aquatic knowledge.

I hope it has been an entertaining read and that you have learned something new to tell your partner, friends, parents… or your aquatic friends.

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