Hot Water Fish


The callíctidos are a family of warm water fish , which are part of the order of the siluriformes, basically this family is made up of the coridoras, commonly called catfish.

This group has characteristics that are common to all species, such as the existence on each of the two sides of the mouth, of four pairs of rigid barbels.

Barbels allow callictids to climb walls and scratch the ground in search of food.
They are fish with a somewhat primitive appearance . Catfish do not have scales, they have a series of bony plates arranged on the sides and overlapping on the dorsal part, which allow them to move on land when their habitat dries up.

These fish are able to breathe out of water , thanks to a specific respiratory system, which also helps them survive in highly polluted waters, where other fish would not be able to thrive.
They are quite sociable . This character allows them to be part of a community aquarium, without any problem.

The temperature of the aquarium can vary from one species to another, but we can establish a limit between 18º and 26ºC.

Armored catfish

Callichthys callichthys

This fish is native to the Amazon basin, where it is usually found in groups. It is a gregarious and peaceful fish, which can live perfectly in a community aquarium.

Caution, which can eat other smaller species at night.

Its reproduction in captivity is rare, although it does build bubble nests for its procreation.

Bronze corydoras

Corydoras aeneus

Among the corydoras, this species is one of the most popular. It is small, it does not exceed 7 centimeters, but it is very active and resistant.

It can be found from Trinidad to La Plata in South America.

It is a sociable species, although not necessarily gregarious, most of the time we can find it at the bottom of the aquarium , cleaning the floor.

It is very tolerant of water types, although it does not like excessively acidic ones. The temperature can oscillate between 22º and 25ºC.
Read more: Corydoras aeneus

Corydoras panda

This species of corydoras is native to Peru . They are very small fish, they do not exceed 4.5 centimeters, ideal for small aquariums of no more than 60 liters.

They need highly filtered and oxygenated water, including frequent water changes.
See: Corydoras panda

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