Hot Water Fish

Gourami Pearl

  • Scientific name: Trichogaster leeri
  • Common Name: Gourami Pearl, Gourami mosaic
  • Aquarium size: 100 to 150 liters
  • Temperament: Peaceful and shy
  • Temperature: 22ºC to 27ºC
  • pH: 6 to 7.5
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Length: Up to 12 cm


The Pearl Gourami is an aquarium fish, which is also well known by its scientific name: Trichogaster leeri. It belongs to the Belontidae species ( Betta fish, Paradise fish …), Trichogaster family.
This is a well-known and popular fish among aquarists, because it is easy to acclimatize and reproduce, being within the reach of any beginner.
If we can complain about something, it is that it is a fish that is somewhat shy, so in a community aquarium it must share space with other species of a similar nature.


In the aquarium they rarely exceed 7 or 8 centimeters, but in the wild they can measure up to 12 centimeters.
They have a flattened and elongated body, although it gives the sensation of being somewhat wider than they actually are because of their anal fin, which runs through the entire belly of the fish and practically joins the tail fin.
The pectoral fins are transformed into barbels, which serve as a sensory organ to orient itself in situations with cloudy waters.

Gourami pearl coloring

Color background silvery brown, with certain shades of purple, covered with spots of a lighter color.
Its body is traversed horizontally by a dark brown zigzagging band that runs from the mouth, ending near its tail fin.
Like most Trichogasters, it has a black spot at the base of the tail.

Sexual dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism is usually appreciated as the fish ages.
When they are young specimens, it is more difficult to appreciate the difference, but as time passes it is appreciated how the male has more elongated anal and dorsal fins than in the female, ending slightly in point.
In the spawning season the males intensify their coloring and acquire an orange tone in their ventral area.
The female’s coloration is duller, with brownish colors and a whitish belly.
They are also usually slightly smaller in size than the males, and their fins instead of ending in a point, are rounded.

Distribution and habitat

They are present in many locations, although their countries of origin are Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra.
They live in ponds, streams, swamps and rivers with calm currents, with a great density of vegetation.

Aquarium conditions

They need a spacious, densely planted aquarium in which to include floating aquarium plants.
As with Bettas, they have an organ called a labyrinth to breathe on the surface , so a relatively warm and humid surface environment must be provided. There are aquarists that cover the aquarium with a film, to provide this environment.
As they are calm water fish, it is necessary to ensure that the current within the aquarium is rather weak.
The water temperature has to be kept in the environment of 22ºC to 27ºC, with a pH between 6 and 7.5. They prefer soft, slightly acidic waters.

Aquarium decoration

  • Best aquarium sand
  • Best gravel for aquarium
  • Best akadama for aquarium
  • Best Aquarium Ornaments 
  • Best logs for aquariums
  • Best rocks for aquariums
  • Best backgrounds for aquariums
  • Best artificial plants


They will not give us problems with food, since they are omnivores.
The base of the diet must be built from quality dry food in flakes, granules …
Ideally, it must be supplemented with insect larvae. Personally I prefer to use brine shrimp or any other lyophilized product. Frozen products can also be used.
They should be fed at least twice a day, with the food they can eat for a few minutes, without ending up at the bottom of the aquarium.

Aquariums by size

  • Small aquariums
  • 10 liter aquariums
  • 20 liter aquariums
  • 30 liter aquariums
  • 40 liter aquariums
  • 50 liter aquariums
  • 60 liter aquariums
  • 80 liter aquariums
  • 100 liter aquariums

Aquarium type

  • Complete aquarium kits
  • Nano aquariums
  • Prawns
  • Aquariums for Bettas
  • Tortugueros
  • Aquariums for kids
  • Farrowing
  • Cheap aquariums


  • AquaLed
  • Tetra

Behavior and compatibility

They are very peaceful, shy and reserved fish that need to live in a large aquarium, with a great profusion of vegetation and hiding places to take refuge.
It can live with other species of fish, which have similar habits and above all, calm.

Fish compatible with pearl gouramis


The popularity of Pearl Gourami is based on their easy acclimatization, they are quiet, but they are also relatively easy for a beginner to reproduce.
They can reproduce in a community aquarium, but it is recommended to condition a laying aquarium, which should have about 50 liters for an adult pair of Gouramis. To spawn they need the aquarium to have a good amount of surface plants, and the background in dark tones. Around the surface plants, the male will build his bubble nest in which the female will lay about 1,000 eggs.
It is important that the male stays separate from the female until mating, but there should be eye contact.
Once the eggs are laid, the female will be removed from the aquarium. The fry will be born after just over 48 hours, remaining in the bubble nest for about four days. Later it is convenient to remove the male.
The fry will be fed initially with infusoria, as they grow they can be given brine shrimp nauplii.

Photos and images of Gurami perla

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