Sea Fish


The Epiphyde family is made up of the Platax, which is why some experts call it Placids.

Platax are edible marine fish and it seems that their meat is delicious, although here we are more interested in their qualities as a marine aquarium fish , their showiness and the ability to live in a controlled environment.

They are characterized by having a high and laterally compressed body.

In their youngest stage they are very original fish, they have a livery of very striking colors, and their dorsal and anal fins are more developed than when they reach adulthood.

Some of the most striking specimens of the Epiphids are:

Batfish (Platax pinnatus)

It is a very spectacular fish in its juvenile state and it reminds me quite of the Angelfish, due to the height it reaches, due to the great development of its dorsal and anal fins.

We can find it in the wild in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as in the Red Sea.
They can measure up to 75 centimeters tall and weigh 25 kilos, sizes that an aquarium does not have.

Although it is widespread in nature, it is not easy to find it for sale for aquariums, and its prices are really high.

Its classification is a bit confusing, because there are great morphological variations depending on the age and the natural biotope from which the specimen comes.

They are very voracious, they eat almost everything,its growth is equally spectacular and its adaptation to a community aquarium is perfect, it does not usually have problems with any tenant.

They are not very demanding in terms of water quality, although due to their size, they need an aquarium of at least 2,000 liters.
Learn more: Bat Fish 

Batfish Teira (Platax teira)

The Platax teira is less conspicuous than its close relative, the Platax pinnatus, although it is still a very interesting fish.

They are native to the Red Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan.

They have a laterally compressed body and very high. Its coloration is uniform gray, with black vertical bands.

It is not easy to distinguish females from males, because they do not have a well marked sexual dimorphism.

Unlike the Platax pinnatus, the teira is more aggressive, especially with specimens of the same species, which increases during the breeding season if the aquarium is not of the appropriate size.

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