Other Species
Amano Shrimp: Caridina japonica (Caridina multidentata)
Amano Shrimp: Caridina Japonica (Caridina Multidentata) Named after Takashi Amano, author of the famous aquarium books Natural Aquarium World, the…
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Caridina Cardinal (Sulawesi) – Caridina dennerli: the complete guide
The Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp is one of the most underrated freshwater shrimp species out there. In fact, most aquarists have…
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Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis): Aquarium Care Guide
Crystal Red Shrimp are an eye-catching species that appeal to a wide range of aquarists. With their beautiful pattern and…
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Thai Micro Crab – Limnopilos naiyanetri: Care Guide
The Thai Micro Crab is one of our favorite aquatic creatures of all time! They are quite under the radar,…
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Coelenterates are a fairly large group of marine invertebrates , among which are anemones, hydras, jellyfish, anemones and corals. Many…
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The family of aquarium mollusks consists of snails, clams and scallops. Each of these families has its own peculiarities, but…
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Marine Crustaceans
Marine crustaceans are found within marine invertebrates , which we can include in an aquarium that faithfully reproduces a coral…
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Freshwater turtles
If you are considering keeping a freshwater turtle as a pet , you have chosen a good companion. However, it…
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Sea stars
Scientific name: Asteroids or Asteroidea Common Name: Starfish Aquarium size: 400 liters Temperament: Calm Temperature: 22ºC to 25ºC pH: 8.2…
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Sea sponge
Porifers (sea sponges) are invertebrate animals known as sponges. Its main characteristic is that its body is completely full of…
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